The full version of the schedule will be available about two weeks before the conference.
Know the time and location of
your session. Make sure you know
how to get to the meeting room
where your session is held.
Arrive to the room 10 minutes
before the start of the session
and introduce yourself to the
session chair.
A laptop, projector, and screen
will be available in the session
room. Presenters are not allowed
to use their own laptop which
will help eliminate unnecessary
wasting of time between
presentations except in special
Create your presentation using
MS PowerPoint or Adobe PDF
formats and save it onto a USB
drive. Bring the USB drive to
the session and upload the
presentation to the laptop in
the session room at least 10
minutes before the start time of
your session. You can also bring
it earlier during the
coffee/lunch breaks of any days
before your presentation.
• The recommended poster size is Landscape format, Arch E which is
36 inches high by 48 inches wide ( 92 cm x 122 cm ). European
alternative ISO A0 (84 cm x 119 cm) can also be used.
• Each poster presenter is required
to defend his/her poster during the
respective poster session slot.
The title of your poster should be done in block letters which are
AT LEAST 8 to 10 cm (3 to 4 inches) high.
All text must be easily readable from a distance of 1 to 2 meters.
Make the lettering at least 1 cm high, smaller lettering will not be
legible from a distance of 1 to 2 meters.
• Prepare your poster carefully so
that it can be used as the basis to
explain and answer questions from
the viewers.